Working from home has become essential for many of us. sometimes it is a real delight to be able to work from home, other times the space just doesn’t feel right. Working from home space needs to be just the right size to keep us focussed, but also allow a variety of work activities to happen easily, including storage. Working from home space should have some quietness and privacy, but it can also be good to connect to the rest of the family. A view into something green, or the sky, is important too. Many of our projects have an element of working from home, and we suspect many more will in the future. Here are some of them, which we will look at more closely next week. if you want to find and develop a space in your house to work from home, get in touch, Chambers McMillan are here.
Working from home has become essential for many of us. sometimes it is a real delight to be able to work from home, other times the space just doesn’t feel right. Working from home space needs to be just the right size to keep us focussed, but also allow a variety of work activities to happen easily, including storage. Working from home space should have some quietness and privacy, but it can also be good to connect to the rest of the family. A view into something green, or the sky, is important too. Many of our projects have an element of working from home, and we suspect many more will in the future. Here are some of them, which we will look at more closely next week. if you want to find and develop a space in your house to work from home, get in touch, Chambers McMillan are here.