The diggers are here and there’s a great big hole in front of our site. It may not be work on our ground, but its the first sign of ground being shifted and clearly something is going to happen here. And once the power and water are in the ground, we will be able to demolish the building which currently takes up 1/3rd of the site. Then we will have a blank canvas, or as blank as earth, sand and concrete, can be.
Yesterday a two year old friend who I had recently given a toy digger to, watched mesmerised as I showed him the film of the real diggers on my iphone: hopefully he will come and visit the site soon and see the real thing. Bee and Greta visited the site, and Bee’s immediate reaction was to jump into the trench: I’m not sure what Itec’s health and safety officer would say about that, they seem slightly bemused by the sporadic waves of family and friends visiting. But I liked Bee’s instinctive reaction to be a part of the project.
Itec are the company charged with taking out the earth, putting in pipes and ducts, then putting all the earth back in, and they are great; they know exactly what they are doing, and don’t mind taking the time to explain it all to me. For example the difference between 63mm water pipe, and 63mm MDPE barrier pipe (its the red stripe along the blue pipe). My learning curve as an architect is going to be a steep one this next year.